Read. | Watch. | Learn. | Negotiate Better.
Get ready to become a more effective, impactful negotiator. This platform supports workshop engagement, reinforcing your learning and providing ongoing support.
Negotiation Experts
Why choose Watershed
No Negotiation is the Same, and Neither are Learning Environments
Trainings are tailored to target your team’s real world negotiation challenges, counterparts, missed opportunities and market pressures.
Expert Negotiators Deliver Practical Learning
Beyond the experience we bring, before leading a workshop our team talks with your leaders, learns your business and comes prepared to relate the learning to your negotiating environment.
Skills and Resources for Sustainable Success
Delivering insights on the psychology that drives negotiators’ behaviors, allowing participants to discuss and apply the ideas to their own pressing issues, counterparts, stakeholders and objectives.
We are always available
We’re always available to answer questions, address concerns and offer help. You can always find a member of our team on the phone, ready to listen and help.
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